Rabies… is a very well known and feared disease, and also a very dangerous one, I will not put a story of demonstration with this because it could get a little dark, I might do one that is very rare to happen. Imagine a bat, very small and cute, but without anyone knowing, can cause death if anyone comes in contact with it, it is very important to stay away from bats, and not to touch or pet them, reason, because they can kill you. So what makes bats, raccoons, foxes, dogs, and sometimes cats so dangerous and deadly? Well one is rabies, two… would you like to get bitten in the face? Three well…. You can get really hurt! Dogs and cats may be a problem… but aren’t as big of a problem as bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. They will go rabid, and I mean RABID. They will have seizures and start to lash out at people, their muscles will get weak and very wobbly, and they will try to attack other people, they will foam at the mouth, and drool, spit flying everywhere! Very, ve...