
Showing posts from April, 2020

Kawazan cherry





Rabies… is a very well known and feared disease, and also a very dangerous one, I will not put a story of demonstration with this  because it could get a little dark, I might do one that is very rare to happen. Imagine a bat, very small and cute, but without anyone knowing, can cause death if anyone comes in contact with it, it is very important to stay away from bats, and not to touch or pet them, reason, because they can kill you. So what makes bats, raccoons, foxes, dogs, and sometimes cats so dangerous and deadly? Well one is rabies, two… would you like to get bitten in the face? Three well…. You can get really hurt!  Dogs and cats may be a problem… but aren’t as big of a problem as bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. They will go rabid, and I mean RABID. They will have seizures and start to lash out at people, their muscles will get weak and very wobbly, and they will try to attack other people, they will foam at the mouth, and  drool, spit flying everywhere! Very, ve...

The Pine Processionary Caterpillars

These little creatures are funny and weird! They walk in lines all together and look like a long worm! When one turns…  they all turn! When one stops… They all stop! They are like trained soldiers! And they have hairs to that poke out… If it gets into your skin… It will be a very uncomfortable experience until your body gets it out of your system. 

Spring crabapple


Spring into Summer


The Raccoon in our back yard!

(Note.. this picture isn't one I took of the raccoon...) So Last night... I was standing by the back door... and our cat (Which was inside our house) came up next to me and started to look out side and was hissing at what I thought was me! So I looked down and petted her a few times and then got back to what I was doing.. I thought she wanted outside.. but when I looked at what she was hissing at... I saw only her reflection.. (at first) and it looked like she was hissing at herself.. and started laughing to myself.. until I looked closer.. and raccoons aren't common in coming in our neighborhood..This was probably the first time I saw one face to face and a real one! So I looked closer... and there in the darkness I saw two little cute beady eyes looking at me.. and then I saw a bandit face with a big black nose and noticed... its tail. I already could tell by it's bandit face that is was a raccoon and then it struck me that our cat was trying to warn me about the racc...

The Mysterious Sweating Disease..

The Sweating on the sweating disease. This disease has many unknowns to it... and possibly nobody will know.. but I have uncovered something quite interesting... that is... it's symptoms.... now I may not be correct... but what I find very interesting is.... the symptoms are a LOT like COVID-19's! And... it looks so similar! Yes your read it right... it's very interesting on how people described the symptoms... Now lets imagine that there is a boy of royal family, "In the high class" and it's about the time of Henry the 8th.. The boys name is Thomas... and he lives with his father, a rich duke. The boy one day after going outside started to sweat very badly, he also got a very high fever... after a one hour... he started to go insane just a little... the poor boy wanted to sleep a lot more often, stomach pains, abdominal pains, and also... shortness of breath. (Wait wait wait...  SHORTNESS OF BREATH?? Wooww... this sound SO much like the Covid-19..) And ...

Cholera. By: Sage Simmons

Cholera  Cholera... a very well known disease that plagued the world.. for centuries.. and made... the word Sanitation actual thing. You may think its kind of something that is dead... but Cholera is still out there.... London... 3:40 am  A girl gets terribly ill with stomach pains and diarrhea... what could be the cause? A few hours later... she dies...  This strange disease has killed many.. but how? Why? How did this all start or happen? You also may think that it would only take place somewhere where there isn't much sanitary.. you are correct.. but what you might not know.. is that London is very unsanitary... Let's get into details... A boy named John Snow was one who would never dreamed of fighting something in the world beyond...  Years later he loved school and when he turned 14 he went off to another school. Then later he went to collage and then got all of the degrees in collage and then... something back then which was so RADICAL was... he...

Beri-Beri Written by: Sage Simmons

Beri-Beri Swelling  Beri-Beri is another lack of something deficiency.. like Scurvy! We will be focusing on Japan.... because that's where I learned that Beri-Beri was... well attacked... it was very sad.. :'(  Anyways! Lets say that there was a family in Japan who loved sushi and white rice... And they were very wealthy... their son was very smart.. Let's say his name was Hirano Yasushi. Hirano only ate white rice because that was cool at the time B-) Anyways, and one day he was numb in his legs... his heart beat was really fast and his tongue swelled... he had pain everywhere and he started to have mental confusion.  He wasn't quite sure what this was... but his family didn't quite get sick until... his younger sister started to get the same symptoms... Lets go back a little and talk about a guy who found it was a food deficiency.. His name was Takaki Kanehiro, He found that it was because they weren't taking a lot of B1 vitamin! WHAT!! Yeah tak...

Beautiful Tulips

The Tulips

Pellagra. Written by: Sage Simmons

Pellagra Pellagra isn't a microbe which destroys your body because of something you ate or something that has bitten you... it's different from the rest. It is a health deficiency.. yes it's something that effects you when you don't eat enough of something you need, like Scurvy! It is not contagious and can't go from person to person. So if you were to shake the hand of someone with it, you would be fine.  Many people who get this disease go mad (Insane). You have horrible diarrhea, rough skin, and just plain don't feel good!  Man and imagine that!  A man called Joseph Goldberger found the cure (or) the reason why people were getting it. And that reason was... They weren't having enough niacin! I mean, what!! People now after it was proven, have put that vitamin or whatever it is in your cereals and almost all of your foods, just so that that nasty disease wont come back again.  And part of the reason why they got it was because they weren...

Spring Rose Bush

Rose Bush

Venomous Creatures... by: Jean Henri Fabre

Red wasp This isn't fully talking about just wasps... its mostly going to talk about venom!  In this book it says that bees are about the most venomous bug on earth..... I am not actually sure... I am going to talk about how that the sting or being pocked by a single little needle or just their stinger... ( without the venom ) It would hurt one bit! I am telling you!  The Venom makes the sting hurt... so... lets dive into how it really effects you... If you were to swallow some venom (I would not reccommend) it would do nothing! Lets say you have a cut... and then you get stung... the venom flows through you blood! So yeah, venom is harmless... unless there is a cut where that connects to your blood stream. It burns all the cells around it as it travels through the veins... and it hurts TREMENDOUSLY!!   Trust me... I would KNOW I am allergic to all bugs... well my skin is just to delicate to be able to handle venom... or anything. Like a spider bite.. m...

George Westinghouse. Written by: Sage Simmons. Pt 4

The Final Test. George was finally on the test of the breaks. The Engineer made the train run forward, it zoomed past like a giant black dragon! Steaming and making a loud honk as the wind carried through it. But there was a deaf man and he didn't know what was going on, his horses seeing the train started to panic, and were spooked by the monster looking train rushing towards them. It looked like an angry dragon, ready to eat him up in one swallow. The Engineer saw him in a flash and pulled the breaks, it instantly jerked back, and stopped in a very rough process. But was quickly put to a stop. The deaf man was about a foot away from the roaring engine which stopped. He soon crossed and there for, George was right! The test worked very well, and the man wasn't hurt one scratch! The engineer was probably sweating in fear it wouldn't work, and that the train would possibly just roar on and smash the poor man to his death.. but no! He was saved and that his how George ...

George Westinghouse. Written by: Sage Simmons. Pt 3

The Air Break  George Westinghouse came up with a new invention, and started to draw plans for it, he had an idea that if a chain could connect to the whole breaks, that the engineer could some how make it do its work, that it would quickly clamp down and stop the train before it was too late. It was a very good idea... and he knew that it would work... with air. He knew that people might think that he is crazy... but no, he knew what he was doing, he knew that if he made it correctly... that everything would just work just as well as he wanted it to. He got started and made the plans, with not very much encouragement from his father... (What a jerk!) and finally proved himself a better inventor than his (Jerky) father. (Honestly... what got him in a sour mood!) Anyways.. moving on, he started to put his plans and art to the test, and started to slowly build everything. People helped him as the slow process came. When finally one day a man told him that he could finally put...

George Westinghouse. Written by: Sage Simmons. Pt 2

The accedent. George Westinghouse was right now in college... he didn't enjoy really anything at college. When he had the time he spent most of it in "The Den" inventing all sorts of things. One day a man came up to him and asked him a question that would change George's life, "Do you like college?" George Westinghouse replied (Which I can't quite remember, and I am making it Simple...) "No." and told him that he would rather spend time inventing things, and put his mind to work. The man finally convinced George's father to take him out of college. And he did, even better, George's father allowed him to work at a bench in his shop! George probably spent most of his time in "The Den" though... Now getting onto the title... Sadly.. one day.. a devastating train wreck occurred.. George was more than curious as to know if the engineers were actually doing their work, he asked one of the men who was working on it, or who ...

George Westinghouse. Written by: Sage Simmons.

George Westinghouse How this great inventer stopped the world's most horrible things that could have happened... pt 1 George Westinghouse was a normal child, but didn't really like sports...  like most boys... he was more interested in engineering and would spend most of his time in the shop, (His fathers work place). His father was also an inventor... but wasn't so nice to George. George would sit down and amuse himself by playing with blocks of wood, and would tinker with all sorts of weird things. He began to draw out inventions and other thoughts he had, and he invented some playthings which he played with. His father, However, took all of those things he invented and called them I would say "Trash" and threw them in the dust bin. Or the waste place George of course was angry at his father, and wanted to say all sorts of mean things to him, but didn't. A worker there said that there was an empty place the the master never went, he could keep a...


Mumps Virus Mumps is a certain disease that is SUPER contagious... It is spread through coughing, sneezing, and human contact. So lets say that there is a family, the mom is named Sarah, the dad is named Tyler, the son is named George, and the other son is named Allan. They are a pretty happy family, and everything so far is normal... until George goes to school, he is a fifth grader, and same with Allan.  So let's say that George's best friend is sick with the Mumps... but he doesn't know it.  George shakes his friends hand, does a fist bump, and which before they shook hands and came in contact, lets say his friends name is Jeff, Jeff coughs in his hand. George now goes into class his Allan at his side, he then ruffles up Allan's hair and walks into his class, now Allan is infected with Mumps. Pretty simple to get Mumps right? A few minutes later George reaches for his pencil which he chews on and now swallows some of those nasty little buggers.  Now ...

The Cherry Blossums... and my spring break.

Over the week, its been my spring break... so sorry if I never posted... but here you are! Proof that it is Spring time! Happy Easter!

The Honeylocust tree.

This is our Honeylocust tree, in out back yard!