The Mysterious Sweating Disease..

How To Stop Sweating: Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Disease
The Sweating on the sweating disease.

This disease has many unknowns to it... and possibly nobody will know.. but I have uncovered something quite interesting... that is... it's symptoms.... now I may not be correct... but what I find very interesting is.... the symptoms are a LOT like COVID-19's! And... it looks so similar! Yes your read it right... it's very interesting on how people described the symptoms... Now lets imagine that there is a boy of royal family, "In the high class" and it's about the time of Henry the 8th.. The boys name is Thomas... and he lives with his father, a rich duke. The boy one day after going outside started to sweat very badly, he also got a very high fever... after a one hour... he started to go insane just a little... the poor boy wanted to sleep a lot more often, stomach pains, abdominal pains, and also... shortness of breath. (Wait wait wait...  SHORTNESS OF BREATH?? Wooww... this sound SO much like the Covid-19..) And if your wondering... yes, I have done my research... and I think its also quite interesting that in 600 AD there was an outbreak in China! WHATT!!! I did my research.. but one thing that is different... is... how they call it an "Hantavirus infections" and another thing is... its' a virus...  anyways back to the story.. 
24 hour later... Thomas started to get a little better... but his father... got ill. And about 1 hour later... Thomas's father... died... 
So let's get into the story.. this isn't real.. I am just helping you picture what it would be like if you got the sweating sickness..... but lets talk about the symptoms for one moment...


  1. Headache, 
  2. myalgia, 
  3. sweating 
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. vomiting Delirium Cardiac palpitation
  6.  Breathlessness Convalescence/deat
So wait a second... did it just say, Headache.. Vomiting.. and breathlessness...???? I am not quite sure if that is all of the symptoms... I think there's more... but that's all I could find... maybe you should research more about this stinking disease! 
And its super important.. you don't come in contact with a animal with fleas such as: Raccoons (Saw one in our yard last night.. I will post on that later...) Mice, Voles, birds, and also... don't come in contact with a stray cat or dog.. because they could be carrying something unwanted.....
DONT FORGET TO DRINK YOUR ORANGE JUICE PEOPLE!! Don't want that nasty 'lil' covid coming around and munching on your health while your suffering.... and also remember... social distancing! Stay safe everyone!! Or I will unleash the power of TB and reign down my might!! Just kidding! I would never do that! But seriously.. stay safe... wash your hands... and take showers often! 


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