
Rabies… is a very well known and feared disease, and also a very dangerous one, I will not put a story of demonstration with this because it could get a little dark, I might do one that is very rare to happen. Imagine a bat, very small and cute, but without anyone knowing, can cause death if anyone comes in contact with it, it is very important to stay away from bats,

and not to touch or pet them, reason, because they can kill you. So what makes bats, raccoons, foxes, dogs, and sometimes cats so dangerous and deadly? Well one is rabies, two… would you like to get bitten in the face? Three well…. You can get really hurt! 

Dogs and cats may be a

problem… but aren’t as big of a problem as bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. They will go rabid, and I mean RABID. They will have seizures and start to lash out at people, their muscles will get weak and very wobbly, and they will try to attack other people, they will foam at the mouth, and drool, spit flying everywhere! Very, very terrifying…. Why do they foam at the mouth? Because their throat gets so tight from the disease that it hurts to swallow… so they end up not swallowing their own spit!  YUCKK!! And then they go crazy, have random spasms, and sometimes if some person gets it… they have to be tied to their own bed! In about 2 days… they die. It is super important we keep away from wild animals… and also… keep away from spit, bites, and other things. Don’t be around dangerous dogs.

Don’t keep raccoons… who does that? Are they crazy!???!!! And… as cute and wonderful a fox is… don’t do it… I was considering getting a pet fox when I grow up… but after I learned about rabies… I think I will keep my distance from foxes… Cats can be dangerous too… just respect animals… and be sure that once you adopt a dog or cat, have them get vaccinated. And if they start acting weird… keep your distance and call animal control, because man, you do NOT want rabies! There is no cure, no treatment! So yeah...be very cautious.. And if you get bitten or scratched… uh… go see a doctor… a bat is more of a risk… because their teeth are so DANG SMALL!! Like if you get bitten, you probably won't even notice! Unless you have like a billion nerves then… yeah, you will feel that bite… stay away from those cute lil’ bats… also… control yourself… try not to squish their little cheeks… or ears… awwww!! I know I do! They are SO cute! But it is not worth going crazy then to pet a bat… so… yeah… don’t pet a bat. Or get even near them. Or even near any wild animal! 

So if you get bitten or anything, contact your doctor… because if you don’t and start having symptoms… it's too late… you will die. :| 

(Really quick though… let's go over symptoms) 


  1. Irritability or aggressiveness 

  2. Excessive movements or agitation 

  3. Confusion, bizarre, or strange thoughts, or hallucinations 

  4. Muscle spasms and unusual postures

  5. Seizures (convulsions) 

  6. Weakness or paralysis (when a person cannot move some part of the body) 

There is way more!! But that is all I will put for now! Anyways! Stay safe! And we’ll see you in the next post! Byee!! :) 


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