Mumps Virus |
So lets say that there is a family, the mom is named Sarah, the dad is named Tyler, the son is named George, and the other son is named Allan.
They are a pretty happy family, and everything so far is normal... until George goes to school, he is a fifth grader, and same with Allan.
So let's say that George's best friend is sick with the Mumps... but he doesn't know it.
George shakes his friends hand, does a fist bump, and which before they shook hands and came in contact, lets say his friends name is Jeff, Jeff coughs in his hand.
George now goes into class his Allan at his side, he then ruffles up Allan's hair and walks into his class, now Allan is infected with Mumps. Pretty simple to get Mumps right?
A few minutes later George reaches for his pencil which he chews on and now swallows some of those nasty little buggers.
Now don't get the picture here confused with the Coronavirus, alright? It may look similar, but is not even close! They might be related though. Anyways back on subject.
He goes home and about 4-5 days later his cheeks start to swell, same with Allan's cheeks...
really quickly... let me go over the symptoms... so this all makes sense.
1. Of course... swelling in the jaws and cheeks. (more like swelling in the salivery glands)
2. Headaches
3. Weakness and fatigue
4. Fever
5. Pain while chewing and swallowing
6. Muscle aches
7. Loss of appetite.
That is it! So be sure to get your vaccine! It also can become serious.. you can lose your hearing... and the medical people AREN'T joking when they say, "Get your vaccine!"
and the reason is is that if you don't.. you could get it.. and spread your misery and pain to others... think it that way, do you want to cause pain to other people? No! So also please take this Coronavirus seriously... because many people are idiots and cough on the stores supply, what the crap! You shouldn't do that! People are trying to keep us safe! So take my word for it, I will find that person who started this all! I miss all of my friends... and I hate to see all these people suffering... the Americans... Chinese... and others.. it sucks, I know, but you need to trust me! We need to help others! Be WAY more thoughtful for others and not for ourselves! You know with the toilet paper hording? Those of you that are doing this DEFINITELY AREN'T doing ANYTHING to stop this pandemic! We need to come together as a nation! We need to help each other! And if we do that... the Lord will provide.. and same with the people you helped...
Thank you SOOO much health care workers and others who are sacrificing their lives, life, and children for helping others.. I really look up to you, and wish you to be safe, I want to help you as much as possible, and I WILL when I am older, become a Scientist/doctor/surgeon to help others! The kind of Scientist is going to be...
wait for it...
A MICROBE HUNTER!! I am going to find cures and also vaccine to TB and all the new ones! I love learning about them.. and enjoy posting wonderful things to help people... So now it boils down to...
Take every advice that a medical person says! If they say, "Get your vaccine.." that means full right well, its for the greater good! Do it! I believe in you!!! So yeah, get all of the vaccines against TB, (If there is one..) Mumps, and Influenza! And others!
Random fun fact:
Did you know that back then, Influenza killed more people than EVER by just making them drown in their own fluids...
Pretty cool right! Sorry if I grossed out others though xD
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