George Westinghouse. Written by: Sage Simmons. Pt 4

The Final Test.

George was finally on the test of the breaks. The Engineer made the train run forward, it zoomed past like a giant black dragon! Steaming and making a loud honk as the wind carried through it. But there was a deaf man and he didn't know what was going on, his horses seeing the train started to panic, and were spooked by the monster looking train rushing towards them. It looked like an angry dragon, ready to eat him up in one swallow.
The Engineer saw him in a flash and pulled the breaks, it instantly jerked back, and stopped in a very rough process. But was quickly put to a stop. The deaf man was about a foot away from the roaring engine which stopped.
He soon crossed and there for, George was right! The test worked very well, and the man wasn't hurt one scratch! The engineer was probably sweating in fear it wouldn't work, and that the train would possibly just roar on and smash the poor man to his death.. but no! He was saved and that his how George Westinghouse changed the history of the train... for that day forward, they would probably not see another accident for a long time....

Thank you so much for reading this! And see what else I will put out there! :)


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