The frightening history of wars and such isn't as bad as something else... Something that can quickly happen. Can spread.... and can cause quicker and more pain in death then a hundred bullets breeding the skin.... And these are diseases. One of the worlds most feared and worst diseases ever in the history EVER is TB short for deadly Tuberculosis. OR in other words... The White Plague. For hundreds of years TB has been around. Scientists have found them on some of the dead bodies of the ancient Egyptians and others. For instance king Tutankhamun is one of them. TB is no joke. But let me start on how it is spread. It is airborne. 1. It isn't really caused by touching things that an infected person has touched... ONLY on rare occasions. 2. It is spread through coughing and sneezing... For instance, if a brother is infected and doesn't know, and he shares a room with his older brother.... let's call the infected brother John and the older one George. So lets say...