Written Narrations December 8, 2020
Victoria. Started out like any other person, as a little girl. When she was a little girl, she would learn all manner of things. Which one day as she sat learning she said, “I understand now why you have me learn. Because I am the air to the throne.” And she grew up to merry her cousin and they lived a very happy life together. They had very many children together. A lot I would say, a very many lot of children. From what I remember, I believe she had nine children.
Butterflies. Yes, those creatures. First they are eggs. Then they hatch. And they eat their eggs. Then they are caterpillars and eat and eat and eat and eattttt. And then they get a new skin about a gazillion times, and eat their previous skin, until they are finally ready to make a cocoon and become a butterfly. After a lot of working and eating, they settle down and make their cocoon. And finally they become a butterfly, and then they break out of their cocoon, and wait for their wings to dry and harden. Then they fly away.
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