Dante's Inferno (Part 3)

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The third circle of hell.

The boat now was coming to a place where the Gluttons lived. Dante saw a sort of beast with three heads and a huge body barking. Virgil threw some dirt into it's mouth. The punishment here was the fat people gluttons would have to eat gross dirt forever. It was terrible and dark and dreary. But they started for the fourth circle of hell. 

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The fourth circle of hell.
Dante saw a bunch of rocks and huge boulders moving. At first it looked as though they were moving by themselves. But soon he saw men pushing them. They would knock the boulders on each other. This circle was called greed. These people used to be on earth the ones who stole and killed and took money! They were greedy people. It was horrible... more horrible than ever. After they'd knock each other with the boulders, they'd have to turn around and do it again. Dante couldn't believe what he was seeing. They started for the Fifth circle of hell.

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The fifth circle of hell.
Dante saw a big river called sticks. He saw people hitting kicking slapping each other. "This is the circle which is called Hatred or Anger." said Virgil. The people after fighting they'd jump into the river strip naked and start crying which would make the river bubble from their tears. Everyone was all fighting and hating each other. It was the most horrible so far that Dante has seen yet. 


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