

Black Beauty is an amazing horse book! It has such a cute and touching story! I know this might not be a very popular opinion... but I ship Ginger and Black Beauty! Hehe.... Anyways the story starts out with a little foal. I love the transition it does and the writing style reminds be a lot of Horse Diaries... accept toned down a bit. The different contrast between Horse Diaries and Black Beauty is that in every book there seems to be a terrible war, a blonde haired pale skinned girl is so kind to the main character (The horse) that the horse gets very attached to it and then something happens and they aren't allowed to see each other again.  Black Beauty however is a little more realistic. Last I checked not all the horse owners aren't all blonde and pale skinned. Anyone could own a horse! (Not a racial comment just a statement) In Black Beauty it has more of a realistic point of view of a horses life! Don't get me wrong Horse Diaries are amazing... but I feel like somethi...

The Differences between Wolves and Huskies.

 Huskies and wolves may look similar to some, but to others look totally different. This is why I am going to explain to you the differences between huskies and wolves.  1.    Wolves have quite different markings than huskies. They have more of a greyish brown fading into different colors. The face markings are quite different also. However a husky has black and white fur and have totally different color combinations depending on the husky.  2. Huskies have bright blue eyes, however wolves have yellow gold eyes. And their personalities are very different. 3. Wolves unlike Huskies as everyone knows are wild not domestic. So their behaviour can be very different. They are.... blood thirsty and kill however a husky of course since a house pet is trained to be not this way and more patient. 4. Huskies don't have the bloodthirsty behavior that a wolf does but they do still howl. A wolf always howls when a lone wolf or if it is lost and trying to find its pack again. ...

The Nile Crocodile.

 I had recently gained an interest in the Nile Crocodile from playing this game called Wild Savanna on Roblox... I had learned all sorts of things such as certain names of different creatures and Animals in Africa from this game... but I didn't REALLY know about the animals and their ways. The more I played as  Nile Crocodile the more I gained a curiosity for this animal. And the more I wanted to really learn about it... So today I learned about this very interesting animal that before I hadn't had any interest in...  Nile Crocodiles.  They most of the time feed off of other animal's rotting carcasses. Gross but very very helpful. They have almost a sort of system where the biggest eat first and the smallest eats last. They often times when catching their prey or hunting hide almost completely under the water. They inch closer slowly at a time until their wide enormous jaws snap open and close on their prey as they drag them down into the watery depths where they dro...

Stages of Mitosis

  The stages of Mitosis.  P: rophase M:etaphase A:naphase T:elophase Prophase is where all the little things in the Nuclius begin to form into little crosses.  Metaphase is where they align in the middle. Anaphase is where they get split apart on both sides. Telophase is where the cell begins to split into two parts, both having nucliuses.

Written Narration December 14, 2020

    Buddhist temples usually have an outer wall of building with an opening where you can come inside the inner section of it. It has statues of buddha and statutes of lions and other sacred elements which they worship. There is one statue which I learned about, but was never mentioned sadly in all the documentaries we watched of one statue who would have a look contempt on its face. On the roofs of course thats how all their houses are most of the time have pointed up spikes, and if I remember correctly, I think that is so that they can scare away the evil spirits, but I cannot be sure. When worrshoping buddha, I did notice they would light sticks with fire, and burn incense, and bow three times, or four. Larvae eat and eat, to get fat and have all the things they need to grow into a butterfly, moth, beetle, etc… but have you ever stopped to wonder what some larvae can eat up to? They can go from a scale of eating plants to eating wood, and sometimes dead animals. They in som...

Written Narration December 10, 2020

  I was fast asleep. My gun by my side, my dreams were sweat and graceful till I suddenly awoke to shouts and cries. I opened my eyes to see two men, one giant, and the other semi giant. I felt a pang of fear shoot through me, and I loaded my gun, not even aiming, fired. But they kept coming. I fled dropping my gun in fear, and leaving the gates open. Another soldier was threatened they would kill him if he  did not show them where the captain was. I huddled in the kitchen, shaking in fear when I heard a mans voice booming loudly, insulting our captain. If I weren’t such a coward, I would have gone out and faced the men, but they were almost giants, and I didn’t dare step foot where they could see me, or I surely would have been killed. Our captain met the man, and surrended our camp. I was still sitting there shaking in the corner, until I fell fast asleep once more. I awoke again to loud noises out side, and men yelling. They were stealing our ammunition! But I decided I wou...

Written Narrations December 8, 2020

  Victoria. Started out like any other person, as a little girl. When she was a little girl, she would learn all manner of things. Which one day as she sat learning she said, “I understand now why you have me learn. Because I am the air to the throne.” And she grew up to merry her cousin and they lived a very happy life together. They had very many children together. A lot I would say, a very many lot of children. From what I remember, I believe she had nine children. Butterflies. Yes, those creatures. First they are eggs. Then they hatch. And they eat their eggs. Then they are caterpillars and eat and eat and eat and eattttt. And then they get a new skin about a gazillion times, and eat their previous skin, until they are finally ready to make a cocoon and become a butterfly. After a lot of working and eating, they settle down and make their cocoon. And finally they become a butterfly, and then they break out of their cocoon, and wait for their wings to dry and harden. Then they f...